Monolithic Refractories  -- Additional Information

Design and Structure of Monolithic Refractories

  • Monolithic refractories allow designs to be faithful to basic specifications because there is no need to be constrained by brick joints and other various design limitations.
  • By adopting anchor metals and anchor tiles, furnace walls of any thickness and shape can be designed.
  • Furnace casing precision poses little restriction to achieve the intended finished size.
  • With an appropriate anchor design, it becomes possible to produce a seamless monolithic structure that adheres well to the casing. Consequently, slag permeation, gas leaks and air inflow can be prevented.
  • By using pre-casting and prefabrication construction methods, appropriate blocks and furnace walls can be built on site, as required.
  • Expansion allowances can be set at any chosen location.

Material Properties

  • Due to their low thermal conductivity, energy loss is small. Thin furnace walls as well as lightweight casing structures thus become possible.
  • They have superb volume stability and anti-spalling properties. Damage from rapid heating and cooling can thus be minimized.
  • Damage to the furnace casing is also reduced due to a good balancing of their heat expansion and permanent contraction.
  • As the sintered layer on the surface prevents metal and slag entry, the furnace structure is highly resistant to corrosion.
  • There are a large variety of binders available for a wide range of applications. It is, therefore, possible to select a construction method and materials that best suit the design, specification, construction, and operation of any particular furnace.


  • It is possible to carry out simultaneous installation at multiple locations, thereby enabling the construction time to be shortened.
  • Excellent construction control is achieved, as even inexperienced workers can handle the installation.
  • Mechanization and manpower reductions are possible through the use of gunning, pump-up and prefabrication, resulting in reductions in construction time and costs.
  • In contrast to the bricklaying construction method, no loss results from cutting and processing. The burdensome tasks of transporting and identifying a number of differently shaped bricks are done away with.
  • Emergency repairs can be done quickly, safely and economically.
  • Partial repairs can be performed quickly and properly.

Furnace Repairs

  • Rapid heating and cooling is possible because of their low thermal conductivity. This shortens the furnace shut down period.
  • Given the absence of major collapses when they are used, the residual life of a damaged area can be accurately assessed. This allows furnace repair plans to be laid out easily and lowers the risk of emergency shutdown.
  • The products are packed and are available in bags or drums.

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